Unless you choose the prepaid fuel option at the beginning of the rental, you must refill the gas tank of the vehicle within a 10-mile radius of the rental return facility and present a fuel receipt to avoid a refueling charge.
If you choose the prepaid fuel option, you agree to pay a specified charge as set forth in the rental agreement and you have no obligation to return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel. At most Thrifty locations, the prepaid fuel charge is calculated by multiplying the stated rate per gallon charge in the Agreement by the manufacturer's fuel tank capacity for the vehicle. There is no credit or refund given for any fuel in the tank at the end of the rental.
If you do not choose the prepaid fuel option and you do not return the vehicle with a full tank of gas, you will be required to pay a fuel charge to compensate Thrifty for refueling the vehicle. The fuel charge is based on the estimated number of gallons needed to refill the tank multiplied by the rate per gallon specified in the rental agreement.
Most Thrifty locations estimate the number of gallons needed to refill the gas tank either (1) by reading the fuel gauge to estimate the approximate amount of fuel needed to refill the tank (for example, one-half tank) and multiplying that number by the manufacturer's specified fuel tank capacity, or (2) if the renter did not purchase any fuel during the rental, by reading the odometer to determine the amount of miles driven during the rental and dividing that number by the vehicle's estimated average fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) based on the manufacturer's fuel efficiency specifications.